These female-founded fashion brands are helping more women run for office

These female-founded fashion brands are helping more women run for office

Can the fashion industry be a force for good in politics? In the past, brands and designers have shown their support for particular candidates and causes by creating outfits that send a message.

The judge, by the way, was the King; and as he wore his crown over the wig (look at the frontispiece if you want to see how he did it), he did not look at all comfortable, and it was certainly not becoming.

The hedgehog was engaged in a fight with another hedgehog, which seemed to Alice an excellent opportunity for

croqueting one of them with the other: the only difficulty was, that her flamingo was gone across to the other side of the garden, where Alice could see it trying in a helpless sort of way to fly up into a tree.

Chapter 1: Pig and Pepper

As soon as the jury had a little recovered from the shock of being upset, and their slates and pencils had been found and handed back to them, they set to work very diligently to write out a history of the accident, all except the Lizard, who seemed too much overcome to do anything but sit with its mouth open, gazing up into the roof of the court.

At this the whole pack rose up into the air, and came flying down upon her: she gave a little scream, half of fright and half of anger, and tried to beat them off, and found herself lying on the bank, with her head in the lap of her sister, who was gently brushing away some dead leaves that had fluttered down from the trees upon her face.

Mining diamonds has a host of possible negative side effects, including displacing the land, wasting water, polluting the

air and having an effect on the living conditions of the local communities, as well as being linked to the funding of war

About Post Author
Jason Bourne

I’m a entrepreneur, best-selling author, philanthropist and the nation’s #1 Life and Business Strategist. I’ve dedicated my entire life to helping people discover their true purpose and leverage their unique gifts to achieve massive success – to make their life a true masterpiece. If you’re feeling stuck, or unsure of your next step, I’ll lead you to clarity, focus and action.